Three Lessons To Employ When It All Falls Apart – Fly The Plane!

I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all. – Solomon Some principles are timeless and work across […]

What To Do When Catastrophe Strikes – Fly the Plane!

“It was not a crash.  We knew what we were doing.  It was a forced water landing.” – from the Movie, “Sully” Aviation, both as a pilot and an air traffic controller, have taught me what to do in an emergency:  Fly The Plane. When I found myself talking to an aircraft in distress, one […]

What To Do When Disaster Strikes – Fly the Plane!

”May you live every day of your life. “  Jonathan Swift “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Jesus, in Matthew 6:24 This BLOG posted the first time on the last day of 2016.  I am re-posting as prayers go forth for those in the […]

How To Install Leading Edges On Biplane Wings

Celebrate your own special spirit fly on the wings of your secret dreams Laurel Burch For several years, a team from my local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) chapter has been building the wings for an EAA biplane my father began in the late 60s.  Currently, we are installing the aluminum leading edges on the wings.  […]

Harnessing the Thrill: Powering A Cute Experimental Sporty Biplane

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. Franklin D. Roosevelt The thrill of building an Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) biplane comes and goes.  I say “I’m building” in the same way a homebuilder throws money at a house project, while a team does the work.  Yet, I am a […]

Significant Fresh Progress On The Improved Sturdy Biplane Wings

The Chapter 88 EAA Biplane Project is entering new territory with biplane wings.  The two upper wings are complete minus covering and the upper center section is almost reassembled!  Staging is now underway for the two lower wings for which Daddy had the materials but had not yet begun.  The ribs are complete, hardware prepped […]

“Go With Aircoupe – The Plane That is Going Places”

“Go With Aircoupe – The Plane That is Going Places” – Headline From Ad in 1961 Flying Magazine I own a 1961 Forney Aircoupe inherited from my father.  Along with the sheer joy of taking off, leaving the two-dimensional earthbound realm, this little red and white plane abounds with stories. Recently I was contacted via […]

When It feels AWKWARD: A Memorable First Flying Lesson

“Even when it feels awkward…” – Nancy Cullen  “Anything worth doing well is worth doing badly in the beginning” – Marshall Thurber  I do not like doing things badly.  I want to do things well.  The first time.  I see others doing a thing well, with grace and ease, so I jump in and, well, […]

What Is Happening With The Cute Biplane Build?

The Biplane Build:  To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything. – Otto Lilienthal Aviation is still considered a man’s world by many. The time to reach young ladies is during their first years of school. Research has shown that although children may change their minds several […]