“To write is human, to receive a letter: Devine!” ― Susan Lendroth David and I have sent an annual Christmas letter to friends and family annually since we married. We compiled a comprehensive list of family and friends for wedding invitations and announcements. This growing list has been maintained these 42 years, but a few years […]
Happy Awesome Birthday Mom – A Love Letter
“I know that despite whatever stupid thing I do, I’d be able to go to my mom and she’d still love me. I honestly believe that” ― Nellie Christine, RID I generally do not write about my mother, unless it is in reference to her family ancestors, the Rightmeiers. Writing about the connection I have with my dad […]
Happy Birthday Mom – A Love Letter
With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. – Psalms 91:16 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6:3 I write a bit about my paternal DNA, the […]
2017 Letter To Friends And Family – The Black and White Box
“A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.” – J.R.R. Tolkien I have a pretty black and white box I bought for my husband’s 60th birthday celebration. It was used to gather all of the “60-Words of blessing” that folks sent. Those now have been placed into an archive for someone, […]
The Writings of HANCOCK – A Private World
“When the inner garden is under cultivation and God’s Spirit is present, harvests are regular events. The fruits? Things like courage, hope, love, endurance, joy, and lots of peace.” ― Gordon MacDonald, Ordering Your Private World I self-published a book through Amazon in 2015. The book was compiled in 2000 a few months after my father […]
A Journey Into Mission Aviation Fellowship
In June of 2016 on a return trip to Kansas from a family gathering in Moscow, ID, we took time to stop at the headquarters of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Nampa, ID. We have been supporters of MAF for over 25 years, but my journey with this organization goes back much further. The Paternal […]
Aunt Beulah’s House Smiles Again – A Happy Miller Reunion
There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives. Josephine Hart My childhood is steeped in geography with Aunt Beulah’s House as a significant one. These locations connect to relationships and key events. In most cases, when memory recalls a particular occasion, it includes a place: […]
Why Joy Is Vital While Tending Serious Business
“Joy is the Serious Business of Heaven” – C.S. Lewis This quote by C.S. Lewis comes from his Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer (San Diego: Harvest, 1964), 92-93. I have been thinking a lot about this: The juxtaposition of joy and doing serious business. Serious business abounds. Ever since the curse entered the earth realm , […]
Five Musts When You Go To War In Order To Fight From Victory
“Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:” Psalms 144:1 KJV “Nancy, I am sorry to tell you that the biopsy indicates cancer. I have made an appointment for you to meet with a surgeon next week.” It was not news I wanted anytime, but particularly […]