The Steinbüchel Homestead – Saint Marks, Kansas

Maison Steinbüchel, a Kansas State Historic Landmark and our home, is named for the family of Hermann Frederick Steinbüchel, the second husband of Marie-Louise Hahn. Previous posts, told how this all came about.  Further details are documented in the book “A Living Gravestone” by Elisabeth Gouldner, his daughter.  Hermann and Karl Steinbüchel two brothers from […]

How to Rest – Maintaining a Dynamic Balance

Get away and unplug. You’ll come back stronger than ever.  – MICHAEL HYATT Maintaining a dynamic balance is vital to a healthy outlook.  Once the holidays are past, the winter season in Kansas can be a peaceful time. Cold temps and blustery weather provide an opportunity for snuggling up with a book or cozy evenings watching […]

Who Were The Strong Courageous Women Of Stately Maison Steinbuchel?

“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” — Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Strong courageous women are not looked down upon much today.  However, in the past, well-behaved was the virtue that rose to the top of the pile.  While I do not believe one excludes the other, not at all,  sometimes these attributes are judged more in the […]

Why Maison Steinbüchel? The Revealing Details Of A Curious Name!

“And those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.”   Isaiah 58:12 I am putting together a group of posts about how the families, for whom our historic home […]

Four Sweet Attributes of Strut The Cat

Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.  – James Herriot Judging from the amount of time I manage to spend watching animal videos on social media, there is no doubt we are enamored with our pets.  At Maison Steinbuchel, we have cats. For the moment four, two upstairs and two for the back stairs.  Each of the […]

How An Attic Is Practical While Beautifully Mysterious

“As the years pass, I keep thinking that our greatest lack today is an attic.  Modern homes never have them, with the result that young people live only in their own generation, feeling no intimate connection with the past.  Their roots will go deeper if their homes have attics?” from “More Than Petticoats” – the chapter […]

Flaps – A Cullen Cat at Maison Steinbuchel

A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run – sit still and ignore him and he’ll come purring at your feet. – Helen Rowland We are cat people.  This was not always the case with me.  Oh, I had pets growing up but they were always outside pets, mostly dogs.  The […]

What’s in a name? Maison Steinbüchel?

“And those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise of the age-old foundations; you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.”   Isaiah 58:12 A name is important.  At the surface they are handles one hooks to an object, a person […]

How to Rest – Maintaining a Dynamic Balance

Get away and unplug. You’ll come back stronger than ever.  – MICHAEL HYATT Summer is halfway over for most of us.  A season that promises recreation, relaxation and rest.  We let go of the frantic demands and structures of the other seasons, and just breathe, right? As a person who retired from a 38 year civil servant […]